Friday, May 24, 2013

The Best of Your Fish

DSCF1456Many people start aquariums and soon lose interest because their fish may seem boring. However you can determine whether your fish are amazingly fun to watch or if they are just life less. There are many things you can do to get the best of your fish:

Tank Setup: One of the major things that affect the character of your fish is there home. If they are living in a boring tank with no decorations and no life, they will most likely live lifelessly. Then again, if there tank is full of lively decorations like plants, rocks, driftwood and other tank décor; they will enjoy it more and show you that they enjoy it more with more activity. For the best results, when thinking of fish tank setups try to imitate your fish’s natural environment, and then your fish will be more comfortable to be itself, which will result with more activity and more color showing.

Tank mates: When seeking to get the best of your fish, considering tank mates is highly important. If you have a fish in a tank alone it’s a good chance that it will hide often. From my experience, I can say that the more fish you have in a tank, the more activity you get, (however not over stocking a tank). When considering tank mates, it is VERY important to consider compatibility. If you mix fish that don’t get along like aggressive fish and community fish, you could have a tank where all of the fish in your tank are constantly hiding. When choosing tank mates, do lots of research to assure the fish you won’t to mix can live together without killing one another, or bullying.

 Fish Diet: The diet of your fish can really affect the way your fish behave. Be sure you stick to the diet that your fish require. If a fish is on a proper diet, it will show bright attractive colors. Conversely, if your fish is on a bad diet eating unhealthy foods, your fish could lack color and be very dull. Stay away from foods that have color enhancements, such foods have bad effect on fish and could shorten life. Keep in mind that the more vegetable based foods that your fish brings out the most color.

 Fish Tank Environment: To get the best out of your fish, the location of the fish tank and the environment really matters. Try to keep fish tanks in quieter, calm rooms rather than rooms that are noisy or active. The environment of the tank affects the fish because if your tank is in a room where children may hit or tap glass or even yell loud, your fish may always hide due to lack of comfort.

Image12072012082841 Healthy Water: If the water in your tank is unhealthy: meaning unfiltered, to cold, to warm, not enough oxygen, harmful chemical, dirty, etc., it will have a huge impact on your fish. They won’t look as good as the can, and they won’t be as active as they could be.

Overall, to get the best of your fish, give the best. Allow your fish to have that feeling as if they were in their natural homes in the wild. Your tank should imitate your fish’s natural home including the natural look, the natural fish that it may encounter in the wild (or at least fish that could get along with it), the natural diet that your fish would be on in the wild, and the correct water quality. With the natural theme in your fish tank, you will get the best color and activity from your fish, and your tank will be far from boring!

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