Friday, May 24, 2013

Community Tanks

Most people starting a tank would prefer a community tank. A community tank is a tank where mostly all fish a friendly. In a community tank, you don’t have to worry about fish killing each other, being territorial, or any thing that would disturb the peace of the tank. If you’re the type of person that hate seeing fish fight, a community tank is best for you. When starting a community tank there is a huge selection of fish to choose from.

Community tanks consist of fish that are rated community fish. Most community fish won’t grow too large, but still can be very beautiful. There are many different community fish to choose from. Some of the most common community fish are fancy guppies. Even though they don’t grow that big they still have a reputation of stunning viewers with their different shapes and colors. The male guppies in particular show great colors of blue, red, purple, green, pink, orange, yellow and more along with their longer tails.

There are also many other community fish that can amaze hobbyist like Platy’s and Mollie’s. Both fish are live bearers, meaning that they don’t lay eggs like most fish; they give birth to live fish. They impress aquarist with their bright red, yellows, whites, blacks, and other bright colors. These fish easily mix with other community fish and provide lots of color to your tank.

Another set of fish that are great for community tanks are tetra’s. Tetra’s are a group of fish that are very common consisting of many different species.Its bright colouring makes the fish visible to conspecifics in the dark blackwater streams, and is also the main reason for its popularity among tropical fish hobbyists. There are many types of tetra, but one of the most common is the neon tetra. The neon tetra are fish that prefer grouping with their own kind (usually goups of five or more). They are small fish with bright neon blues and greens running across their boy with red marks. Adding these fish to your tank will bring tremendous color and activity; keep in mind the more the better. Besides neon tetra’s, there are many other types of tetra that are stunning and will bring beauty to your tank.
When creating a community aquarium, there are many different options of fisht to choose from. Just be sure to do lots of research on the fish that interest you. The worst thing that can happen to a community fish keeper is for them to add a non-community fish to their tank like an African Cichlid for looks, resulting in the death of all their other fish. There are many beautiful community fish to choose, just be sure to know what you are choosing so that your tank can thrive with no problems.

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