Friday, May 24, 2013

Aggressive Fish

When it comes to having a aggressive fish tank, it is a tank set up on the rule: survival of the fittest. An aggressive tank consist of the meanest and baddest fish; anyone who is weak won’t last! Even though an aggressive tank may sound terrible, it can very beautiful. This fish that fall in the aggressive category can be very beautiful and entaertaining.

If you desire to start an aggressive aquarium, there are many things that should be taken into consideration. Firstly, most aggressive grow quite large so the minum tank size is 55 gallons. If you plan on getting a tank with a community of aggressive fish (more than one), you should provide lots of hiding spaces to prevent fish injuries or fatilities. You should also do research on the fish that you plan on getting because not all aggressive fish will get along with each other.

When keeping an aggressive tank, it is always best to design the aquarium to the fish’s natural enviornment. Some aggressive fish such as Arowna and Oscar get pretty large so that prefer attank with lots of swimming space and a tank that’s not cramped up; however, certain fish like african mbuna cichlids prefer a tank that is full of rocks, plants, and others decorations that can provide homes and safe retreats. It is very important to do research on the fish’s natural enviornment and living requirments when getting aggressive fish.

Another important thing to consider is the diet of your aggressive fish. Many aggressive fish are carnivorous, so they will eat any fish that can fit in their mouth. That’s why its important to mix fish of simular sizes or at least fish that aren’t to small to be eaten or to big to eat others. Many hobbyist of aggressive feed their fish live fish, which are sold at most pet stores. Feeding your aggressive fish live fish is not a bad thing to do, but it may result in your fish being more aggressive. If you don’t want to feed your aggressive fish live food, there are many different pellets and flakes availbale for your fish.

Having an aggressive tank can be just as rewarding as having any other tank. Many experienced fish owners even prefer aggressive fish over others because of their beauty and enjoyment. For begginers it always good to keep in mind that even though aggressive fish can live peacefully together, it can almost be garenteed that your tank will have disputes, fights, territoral behaviors, and even a chance of fatalities (I do not recommend aggressive fish to soft-hearted people). When housing a tank full of aggressive fish, aggression will show; but you still will be able to enjoy your tank as aggressive fish can be very entertaning and enjoyable!

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