Friday, May 24, 2013

Starting A New Tank

Starting a fish tank can be a very rewarding. Not only can you enjoy your fish as pets, but also as a work or art. With proper care, you can create a fish tank that will blow peoples minds. But, you must first put the effort into it because it requires a lot of care. You must know what you’re doing at all times and should be able to provide all necessary care.

One of the most important things to do when starting a new tank is research. Many people start tanks without doing research and have tons of problems from the fish killing one another to overpopulating tanks and many other problems. It is better to sacrifice two to three hours of your time doing research than to start a tank and have the entire fail. It strongly recommend that you do research before starting a tank.
What to research? There are many things that you need to know before starting a fish tank.
  • First research what type of fish you want (i.e. fresh water or saltwater fish, community or aggressive fish).
  • Figure out how big you want the fish get
  • Do they live solitary or in groups?
  • What do they eat?
  • Will they get along with other fish?
  • What temperature the fish requires and what pH level is necessary to stabilize your tank?
  • Find out details about their natural environment so that you can know how to design your tank so that your fish are comfortable.
  • Find out how many fish you can get in you aquarium so that you don’t over crowd your tank.

Fresh water fish tank

There is no limit to how much research someone can do when starting a fish aquarium. You can research what filtration system you want, what heaters you can use, how much equipment you need to maintain your aquarium and much more. You can even go to You-tube and watch videos of the fish that you are interested in to see the way that they act (although all fish won’t act the same) and how they will look when they grow. Doing research before starting a tank is no loss, you will have all the understanding necessary to run your tank successfully.

Once you have done all of your research, and have figured all that you need to know about your desired fish and the requirements of the tank, you can begin working on it. Before even filling the fish tank with water, I would recommend that you make sure you have all tools needed to run the tank including a filter that fits your tank (For example, for a 20 gallon tank a filter that runs for 20 gallons or more), make sure you have a chemicals needed to start aquarium such as water conditioner, stress zyme and stress coat (all are important). It is also good to consider your lighting in the tank, to make sure you have bright light. I would recommend already having an aquarium water changer as well. Once you have all necessary equipment, you can start filling your tank with water.
Fresh Water Tank with African Cichlids

Once tank is filled, you can never immediately add fish. You must first add chemicals needed such as a water conditioner and stress zyme to remove all harmful chemicals that are in tap water. You should allow filter to run at least 3 to 4 days, between which you are making sure temperature and pH is good. You should also be using this time to add fish tank décor for fish (gravel, plants, driftwood, rocks, ect.)When adding fish, its best to introduce 2 or 3 fish at a time to reduce stress. In the beginning you may have a few casualties (deaths), but that’s normal for the first few weeks when starting a tank. Once tank is established (point where all fish healthy; usually the second week after starting the tank), you can do your weekly 25% water changes and your monthly 50% changes. Within a month, your tank should be well running and good to enjoy.

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