Friday, May 24, 2013

Buying Fish

Going to buy fish for your aquarium can be one of the most exciting parts of starting a new tank! However, when you buy there are still things that need to be considered!

Choosing Fish: Choosing fish can be very fun because of the great option and choices among fish! When you choose a fish it is very important to have at least a little knowledge of the fish you want. Do research on fish that interest you so that you will know important facts like your fish’s aggression, size (to know if your aquarium is large enough), water conditions, and all that’s needed to survive. Make sure when you choose a fish that you can meet all of its demands!DSCF2689

Fish Health: One of the most important things to consider when buying fish is the health of your fish. It is very important to make sure that you’re not buying sick fish. A sick fish will not only be a waste of money, but also can possibly infect all of the other fish in your tank and kill them. There are many signs to tell if a fish is healthy or not.
Signs of Unhealthy Fish:
  • Heavy breathing
  • Lack of color
  • Laying at bottom of tank
  • Hiding in corner
  • Tiny white spots on fins (ICK Disease (VERY Dangerous))
  • Swollen eyes
  • Torn fins, bruises
  • Motion less
Signs of healthy Fish:
  • Full Color
  • Full Activity
  • Normal breathing
  • Whole/ Un-torn fins
Now these are just a few signs of fish health. Some fish may show signs of being healthy and may be sick; some fish may show signs of being sick but may be healthy. Either way, I say don’t take the risk, choose only fish the you fell are in good shape!

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