Friday, May 24, 2013

Tank De'cor

For some people, the decorations of the tank can be most enjoyable. Being able to create a suitable habitat can be a good experience for fish lovers. There are many different things that you can add to your tank that can make it a piece of art. Some of the most common décor include:

Gravel/Sand: In every aquarium, it is good to have some type of material to cover the bottom. It is very unnatural to keep a aquarium where your fish are swimming over glass. The two most common bottom materials are aquarium sand and and aquarium gravel. Both materials can look very nive in your tank and it is comfortable for the fish because in most natural fish enviornments the floor is covered with sand or gravel. They both are relativel easy to clean with proper tools. Gravel is also so in a variety of colors. Both sand and gravel can be a very beneficial in your aquarium.

Plants: When designing an aquarium it is good to add some plants to create a natural look. Fish tank plants are sold both live and artificial. I recommend artificial for begginners because most fish may attempt to eat of unroot live plants. When getting plants, it is extremely important to get them all from pet stores. Some people add regular household artificial plants to aquariums and danger fish because many household artifial plants contain toxins that can kill your fish. It is best to get all aquarium plants from pet stores; and if you want to add anything else consult a fish expert at a pet store before adding it. Aquarium plants can be very beautiful in a fish tank providing height and color to your tank.

Rocks: Rocks can be very beautiful in aquariums and it can bebeift your fish. You can create caves or other hideout with rocks. Rocks can be purchesed at pet stores or you can add your own rocks. Many rocks found in streams or lakes can be very beautiful. Rocks can show differernt colors, shapes and patterns and can add a lot to your tank at a low expense. Most rocks can go imedetly into your aquarium after being washed, but rocks with bright colors like reds, purples and golds may cantain millstone or other chemicals that can danger fish.

Driftwood: Driftwood is another beautiful form of fish tank décor creating diversity and shape in your tank. Most pet stores sale drithwood, but some people add drithwood that they find on their own. When adding driftwood that you fing, it is important to boil it in hot water to kill in parisites that may live in it. Driftwood that you find will almost always float to the top of your aquarium (unlike drithwood sold at stores) so it is good to anchor it with rocks to keep it down. Driftwood will only need to be anchored for about a year, after that it will stay down on its own.

Other Décor: There are many other choices when decorating a tank as well. Many pet stores sell aquarium decorations like caves, corals, and shells. Pet store also sale aquarium ornements like bridges, trees, barrels, and many old ruins (such as Roman ruins and greek Ruins). May aquarist also add bubbles to their aquarium with an aerator, which pushes air through a tube into an air stone (comming in multiple designs), creating bubbles in your tank, which can also be beautiful.

When adding tank décor to your tank, it can be very delightful. Just keep in my the types of fish that you plan to add and what their natural enviornment is like. Your tank can be enjoyable for both you and your fish if you put the right amount of effort into it.

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