Friday, May 24, 2013

Cleaning Your Tank

Cleaning Your Tank
When owning a fish tank, there is a lot of responsibility. The keeper of the tank must be able to perform weekly water changes. Every week, it is good to change 25% of the water in your aquarium and every month the tank keeper should erform a 50% water change. Doing water changes assures that your fish have proper water and suitable living conditions. The following is a list of the simple steps for basic water change.
1. When do water changes, it is good to make sure you have a tools necessary for cleaning the tank including an aquarium water changer (available at most pet stores), stress coat, and buckets to dump the water coming out of the tank. Be sure to unplug filters, heaters, and anything else plugged in.

2. Start the aquarium water changer and allow water to pour into bucket.

3. If your tank has gravel, shovel through the gravel to get all dirt and residue. If your tank has sand, the sand may get sucked with the water so just hold water changer over visible dirt.

4. Once water is at the 25% point, or 50% point, remove aqarium water changer.

5. At this point you can clean the filter catriges and whipe inside glass with clean new rag (any chemicals left on used rags may be deadly to fish) .

6. When filling the tank back up, its important to refill it with water of the same temparture, as any temparture that is far off may shock fish.

7. Once tank if full, add stress coat to remove harmful chemicals and to reduce the stress on fish.

8. You can know plug your filter and evrything else that needs to be plugged in. Most filters will need water to be pured into to it to start up.

9. Once tank is running again, you can use any window cleaner to clean OUTTER glass only. Be sure to apply any window cleaner on the lower part of tank to keep cemicals from getting in the inside. You can clean up the window clean with newspaper.

10. Exspect tank to be cloudy for a few hours usually two to three hours. Once water settles, it will clear nicely.

Once you get used to cleaning your tank all of these steps will be easy. To keep a tank full of happy, healthy fish, it is good to clean weekly 25% and monthly 50%.

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