Friday, May 24, 2013

Semi Aggressive Tank

If you’re the type of person that don’t want community fish, but don’t won’t fish that are extremely aggressive, your best option is a semi aggressive tank. In a semi aggressive aquarium, you can enjoy that are not community fish, without having to worry about them killing one another. There are lots of options when choosing a semi aggressive fish tank and many interest fish to choose from.
The first thing that you should know about most semi aggressive fish is that unlike most community fish, they vary size. Some semi aggressive fish such as the tiger barb only grow to be about 2 inches, while the clown loach can grow well over a foot long! Being that semi aggressive fish have such a diverse range in size, I would recommend a minimum tank size of 55 US gallons. It is also good to provide some hiding spots in the tank and many plants so that the fish can stay to them selves (An open aquarium with no décor can cause higher aggression when dealing with semi aggressive fish).

Another important thing to remember when keeping a semi aggressive tank is that it is SEMI AGGRESSIVE. The inhabants of the tank won’t get along like community fish would. You should exspect some fights to occur, and some territoral behavor, but not as much with fully aggressive fish. In a semi aggressive tank you can have some days when your fish get along like one big family, and some days when your fish just can’t stand each other; but that’s one of the reason why keeping a semi aggressive tank can be so interesting.

Semi Aggessive fish for a semi aggressive tank are very interesting. You can have the tiger barbs with tiger like strips; gourami fish that come in may unique colors; the unique angle fish with their strange shapes, loaches that show very interesting personalities, the various catfish and many more fish to choose from. Having a semi aggressive tank can be very beautiful and can be very entertaining.

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