Friday, May 24, 2013

Cold Water Tanks

Even though a cold water tank can’t include tropical fish, it can still be a beautiful tank. With cold water tanks, there are not many fish to choose from, but you still can have a great aquarium. Cold water aquariums don’t mean freezing water, but water that is between 60-72 degrees (although they can survive in colder water). The most common fish for cold water tanks are gold fish. Many people think that gold fish are boring fish, but they can be very beautiful and entertaining. There is also a nice diversity, as there are common (comet) gold fish that are red, white, orange, brown, gold, black, and tri-colored. There are also fancy gold fish that come in different shapes and sizes.

Another famous cold water fish is the Japanese Koi. Koi are known for their large size (growing over three feet long) and stunning coloration. Most people keep Koi in ponds because of there size. If anyone desires a Koi tank, I would recommend a minimum tank size of 120gallons holding only about four Koi with common gold fish if preferred.DSCF0049
There are other fish that can go in cold water as well such as channel catfish and Danio, however, proper research should been done before adding other fish species. A cold water tank can be very rewarding and beautiful. With proper care you can create an underwater habitat for your fish that will amaze others!

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