Monday, June 10, 2013

Fish Diseases

          In Every hobby, there are ups and downs. In fish keeping, one of the major downs is diseases! When your fish catches a disease, it’s very miserable to watch them.  However there are many ways to prevent diseases including keeping up with your tank maintenance routine! Some common diseases are listed below:


Ick/Ich (White Spot Disease) : Ick disease, also known as Ich and White Spot Disease is a disease that appears on fish as tiny white spots on fish fins and body.  Ich is a parasite that attaches to your fish. Ich enters into your aquarium from new additions to that tank that have the disease, or from high levels of stress.  Symptoms of ick include tiny white spots on fish and fish rubbing and scratching.
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Bloat: Bloat is a disease where your fish appears to have a swollen stomach. Bloat comes from high levels of stress and improper feeding.  Symptoms of bloat include bloated stomach and excessive breathing.
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Popeye: Pop eye is a disease where your fish’s eyes appear swollen! Causes of pop eye are bad water quality and stress. Symptoms include swollen eye of fish!
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Fin Rot: Fin rot appears on your fish as the fins of your fish torn or ripped and rotting. Causes of fin rot are aggression, overcrowded conditions and stress. Symptoms include fins turning white, fins torn, or fins rotting!  
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Hole in Head: Disease that appears as a hole in fish’s head. Caused from bad water quality and improper diet. Symptoms include hole in fishes head or dark mark on fish.
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