Monday, June 10, 2013

Bloat Disease

Signs: Signs of bloat include swollen stomach, heavy breathing, slow movement, laying still and lack of appetite!

Threat Level: Bloat is a disease that can kill that individual fish so it can be very serious!

Causes: Bloat is basically fish constipation! Caused by a different reasons; stress being the most common. Other causes can be improper diet, and improper water quality!

Cures: Bloat disease have a number of treatments. I recommend going with the natural treatments, which is Epsom salt. I use Epsom salt to cure my fish infected with bloat and see results the very next day!  Its best to use 2 teaspoons per gallon when using Epsom salt! Another good natural treatment is tinned pea's that have been proved to help with bloated fish.
         The other option for curing bloat disease is medicated treatments. However I would only  recommend this after trying natural treatments because it is more of a risk with the affects on your fish, also its less expensive!

Prevention: To prevent bloat, its best to keep your fish in a stress free tank. Make sure that there is minimum bulling and your tank, keep your tank clean and comfortable for your fish as well. Also make sure your fish is on a stable. appropriate  diet!

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