Saturday, June 8, 2013


          Aquascaping a fish tank is the part of fish keeping where you can be creative and make an environment that you and your fish can enjoy!      
         Aquascaping is the actual designing of your tanks interior looks. When you aquascape your tank, it is very important to not only make it enjoyable in your view, but also in your fish's view. Create a living environment that is expectable for your fish to live in comfortably, while at the same time look good for viewers!
  When designing your tank, its best to make your fish comfortable. To do so, be sure to add plenty of aquarium plants, caves, and others places for your fish to hide when they need to! Aquarium caves don't always have to be bought! You can use natural tank decorations like rocks and driftwood to create your own caves.
       The easiest way in my opinion to aquascape a fish tank is by trying to imitate your fish's natural environment.  If your fish natural live around plants, try to design your tank with plenty of plants! If your fish live naturally in rocky underwater areas, add plenty of rocks to the tank. Imitating a fish's natural environment can not only be pleasing to the fish, but also to viewers as well.

 So overall, when aquascaping and designing your aquariums, be creative. Make sure you satisfy your fish needs and your own! Below are photo's Of my tanks and there aquascapes:

1#: Below are two photos of my African Cichlid Tank. African cichlids come from the Great Vift lakes in Africa. There natural environment has many of rocks; so I filled my tank with lots of rocks, a few plants, and a sandy bottom!

2#: Below are two pictures of my American cichlid tank, hold cichlids from  South and Central America. I designed my tank to match south American planted rivers with driftwood!


3#: Below is my mixed tropical tank. The fish in this tank are from different areas of the world, so I used different natural themes including rock caves, driftwood, and plants!

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