Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Cause of Stress

Fish Stress is caused by a number of reasons. Below are some of the most common reasons:

  • Improper water quality: having water that don't match your fish's requirement's in regards to pH, temperature, and others conditions that are found in fishes natural home!
  • Poor diet: Feeding fish food that is not supposed to be fed to it!
  • Tank design: If you tank design is not comfortable for your fish providing hiding spots and safety retreats it can surely cause stress!
  • Over crowding: Too many fish in your tank!
  • Bullying: If your fish is being bullied by other fish stress is sure to come!
  • Poor filtration: If your tank is not being filtered and cleaned properly it can stress your fish out!
  • External Stress: People tapping glass, putting hands in tank, chasing fish with net, etc.!

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